Articles and clips regarding hair loss and baldness

This website is designed to offer useful information for anyone who is searching for an answer or even to question regarding hair loss and balding. Having hair loss and being bald is as common as seeing someone wearing another pair of jeans. But if we were the one experiencing hair loss or baldness then it does not seems as normal as it is supposed to be. There are articles or clips pertaining issues relating to hair loss and baldness. We would hope you will find it useful.

Britney is bald!

Is there any woman out there who like to have a shaven head as her next latest hair style? Chances of finding one sure is a rarity. There is one celebrity who seems to be getting the headlines for all the strange reasons. Any other woman who goes bald is just another sad news to all of us but Britney Spears? Here is a video confirmation of Britney Spears going bald!

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